8358. Average value – 1


The project “Average Weight of a School Student” was undertaken by Mamed and Samed.

Why they need this number remains a mystery. They asked all the students in the school to weigh themselves and recorded the results in a table. Your task is to help them calculate the average weight of the students. However, there is a condition: when calculating the average, the students with the highest and lowest weights should not be included.

It is worth noting that Mamed and Samed forgot to count the total number of students, but this will not prevent you from completing the task.


Input. The weights of the students are given across multiple lines, separated by spaces (one or more) or by the end-of-line character. The input continues until the end of the file.


Output. Print the average weight of the students, excluding the ones with the highest and lowest weights. The result should be rounded to the nearest whole number.


Sample input

Sample output

40   23 27

  59 68 23    84   27

53 46







Algorithm analysis

Find the smallest min and the largest max elements in the array. Then, compute the sum of the weights of all students, excluding those with the smallest or largest values. Let this sum be s and the number of such students be cnt.

Finally, compute the average weight of the students by dividing s by cnt and print the result, rounded to the nearest whole kilogram.


Algorithm implementation

Declare the array.


int w[1000];


Read the input data. The count of input numbers is stored in the variable n.


n = 0;

while (scanf("%d", &w[n]) == 1) n++;


Find the smallest element min and the largest element max in the array.


min = max = w[0];

for (i = 0; i < n; i++)


  if (w[i] > max) max = w[i];

  if (w[i] < min) min = w[i];



Compute the sum of weights s and the number of students cnt, excluding those with the highest and lowest weights.


s = cnt = 0;

for (i = 0; i < n; i++)

  if (w[i] != min && w[i] != max)


    s = s + w[i];




Print the result, rounded to the nearest whole kilogram.


printf("%.0lf\n", 1.0 * s / cnt);


Algorithm implementation – min_element, max_element

Declare the array.


vector<int> w;


Read the input data.


while (scanf("%d", &x) == 1)



Find the smallest element min_el and the largest element max_el in the array.


min_el = *min_element(w.begin(), w.end());

max_el = *max_element(w.begin(), w.end());


Compute the sum of the weights s and the number of students cnt, excluding those with the highest and lowest weights.


s = cnt = 0;

for (int x : w)

  if (x != min_el && x != max_el)


    s += x;




Print the result, rounded to the nearest whole kilogram.


printf("%.0lf\n", 1.0 * s / cnt);


Python implementation


import sys


Read the input data.


lst = []

for line in sys.stdin:



Find the smallest element min_el and the largest element max_el in the list.


max_el = max(lst)

min_el = min(lst)


Compute the sum of the weights s and the number of students cnt, excluding those with the highest and lowest weights.


cnt = sum = 0

for x in lst:

  if x != max_el and x != min_el:

    cnt += 1

    sum += x


Print the result, rounded to the nearest whole kilogram.


res = round(sum / cnt)
